Sunday, 1 February 2015

ODD BLOG:Man had sex with Dolly the dolphin in year-long affair

A man who had sex with a dolphin in a year-long affair says it only happened because SHE seduced him.
In a new documentary called Dolphin Lover, Malcolm Brenner, 63, says he fell for Dolly after the aquatic animal made advances.
And Brenner says she made her intentions quite clear.
In the 15 minute film he says: "I started rubbing her along her back, working my way to her flukes – her tail.
"And as I was rubbing her and moving my hand towards her tail, Dolly was slowly rolling around her long axis."
"I was given free access to the dolphins and I became friends with her by going swimming with her. She was very special.
"She announced her intentions to me by positioning herself so I was rubbing against her.
"At first I discouraged her, I wasn't interested. After some time I thought 'if this was a woman would I come up with these rationalisations and excuses'?
"It was when the park was closing that we successfully eluded the male dolphin so we could spend some time alone.
The relationship didn't break any laws as bestiality was only banned in Florida 2011.
Malcolm has since been married twice but also describes himself as a 'zoophile' and says he has had previous sexual experiences with a dog"sick man".

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